All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 in total
2/9/2025 - "Recognize the Time of Your Visitation" (Daniel 9:25)
2/9/2025 - "Recognize the Time of Your Visitation" (Daniel 9:25) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“Recognize the Time of Your Visitation...
2/2/2025 - "Seventy Sevens Show Sin's Severity" (Daniel 9:24)
2/2/2025 - "Seventy Sevens Show Sin's Severity" (Daniel 9:24) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"Seventy Sevens Show Sin's Severity" (Dan...
1/26/2025 - "Are You and God on Speaking Terms? (Daniel 9 - Part 2)
1/26/2025 - "Are You and God on Speaking Terms?" (Daniel 9 - Part 2) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline: “Are You and God on Speaking Term...
1/19/2025 - "A Sinner's Prayer of Repentance" (Daniel 9 - Part 1)
1/19/2025 - "A Sinner's Prayer of Repentance" (Daniel 9 - Part 1) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“A Sinner’s Prayer of Repentance” (Da...
1/12/2025 - "Get up and Carry on the King's Business" (Daniel 8 - Part 2)
1/12/2025 - "Get up and Carry on the King's Business" (Daniel 8 - Part 2) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“Get up and Carry on the King...
1/5/2025 - "God Is in Charge of the Chargers" (Daniel 8 - Part 1)
1/5/2025 - "God Is in Charge of the Chargers" (Daniel 8 - Part 1) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"God Is in Charge of the Chargers” (D...
12/29/2024 - "A Ruler for God and His People" (Micah 5:2-5a)
12/29/2024 - "A Ruler for God and His People" (Micah 5:2-5a) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“A Ruler for God and His People” (Micah 5:...
12/24/2024 - Christmas Eve Service Message (Isaiah 9:6)
12/24/2024 - Christmas Eve Service Message (Isaiah 9:6) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.
12/22/2024 - "The Gift That Cannot Disappoint" (Isaiah 9:1-7)
12/22/2024 - "The Gift That Cannot Disappoint" (Isaiah 9:1-7) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“The Gift That Cannot Disappoint” (Isaiah...
12/15/2024 - "A Sign That God Can Be Trusted" (Isaiah 7:10-17)
12/15/2024 - "A Sign That God Can Be Trusted" (Isaiah 7:10-17) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“A Sign That God Can Be Trusted” (Isaiah...
12/8/2024 - “Why Do We Need Christmas?” (Genesis 3:15)
12/8/2024 - “Why Do We Need Christmas?” (Genesis 3:15) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"Why Do We Need Christmas? (Genesis 3:15)I. The ...
12/1/2024 - "A Realistic Hope" (Daniel 7:15-28)
12/1/2024 - "A Realistic Hope" (Daniel 7:15-28) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline: “A Realistic Hope” (Daniel 7:15-28)I. The Big Picture ...
11/24/2024 - "God’s Choice for King of the World” (Daniel 7:9-14)
11/24/2024 - "God’s Choice for King of the World” (Daniel 7:9-14) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"God's Choice for King of the World" ...
11/17/2024 - "It's a Jungle out There" (Daniel 7:1-8)
11/17/2024 - "It's a Jungle out There" (Daniel 7:1-8) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"It's a Jungle out There" (Daniel 7:1-8)1. Interp...
11/10/2024 - "The Hallmarks of a Normal Faith" (Daniel 6)
11/10/2024 - "The Hallmarks of a Normal Faith" (Daniel 6) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"The Hallmarks of a Normal Faith" (Daniel 6)I...
11/3/2024- "Do You Know Who Holds Your Life's Breath in His Hands?" (Daniel 5)
11/3/2024- "Do You Know Who Holds Your Life's Breath in His Hands?" (Daniel 5)Sermon Outline:"Do You Know Who Holds Your Life’s Breath in His Hands?" (Daniel 5)I. Prid...
10/27/2024 - "The Most High Decides Who Rules" (Daniel 4)
10/27/2024 - "The Most High Decides Who Rules" (Daniel 4) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"The Most High Decides Who Rules” (Daniel 4)I...
10/20/2024 - "A God Worth Standing For" (Daniel 3)
10/20/2024 - "A God Worth Standing For" (Daniel 3) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"A God Worth Standing For" (Daniel 3)I. You Stand fo...
10/13/2024 - "The Revealer of Mysteries" (Daniel 2)
10/13/2024 - "The Revealer of Mysteries" (Daniel 2) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline“The Revealer of Mysteries” (Daniel 2)I. The Ignoran...
10/6/2024 - "The Extent of God's Sovereignty" (Daniel 1)
10/6/2024 - "The Extent of God's Sovereignty" (Daniel 1) by Pastor Josh Slocum at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline:“The Extent of God’s Sovereignty” (Dan...
9/29/2024 - “Trust in the One Who Governs History” (Overview of the Book of Daniel)
9/29/2024 - “Trust in the One Who Governs History” (Overview of the Book of Daniel) by Pastor Josh Slocum at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“Trust in th...
9/15/2024 - "A Warning to the Lady" (2 John 1:7-8)
9/15/2024 - "A Warning to the Lady" (2 John 1:7-8) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:“A Warning to the Lady” (2 John 1:7-8)1. A Wa...
9/8/2024 - "A Commandment from the Beginning" (2 John 1:4-6)
9/8/2024 - "A Commandment from the Beginning" (2 John 1:4-6) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"A Commandment from the Beginning" ...
9/1/2024 - "Love in Truth" (2 John 1:1-3)
9/1/2024 - "Love in Truth" (2 John 1:1-3) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline: “Love in Truth” (2 John 1:1-3)A. An Elder, a Chosen L...
8/25/2024 - "Trusting in God Is a Team Effort" (Psalm 20)
8/25/2024 - "Trusting in God Is a Team Effort" (Psalm 20) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"Trusting in God Is a Team Effort" (Psalm 20)...
8/18/2024 - "God’s Revelation Requires a Response" (Psalm 19)
8/18/2024 - "God’s Revelation Requires a Response" (Psalm 19) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"God’s Revelation Requires a Response" (P...
8/11/2024 - "Why We Love Our God" (Psalm 18)
8/11/2024 - "Why We Love Our God" (Psalm 18) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"Why We Love Our God" (Psalm 18)I. For Who He Is to Us (vv...
8/4/2024 - "The Hopeful Prayer of the Persecuted" (Psalm 17)
8/4/2024 - "The Hopeful Prayer of the Persecuted" (Psalm 17) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"The Hopeful Prayer of the Persecuted" (Ps...
7/28/2024 - "Treasure and Trust" (Psalm 16)
7/28/2024 - "Treasure and Trust" (Psalm 16) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.Sermon Outline:"Treasure and Trust" (Psalm 16)I. David’s Supreme Treasure ...
7/21/2024 - "Don’t Be Duped: You Need the Old Testament"
7/21/2024 - "Don’t Be Duped: You Need the Old Testament"Sermon Outline:"Don’t Be Duped: You Need the Old Testament" (Selected Scriptures)I. False Teaching’s Strategy ...